Các Giải Pháp Đọc Chỉ Số Điện Kế

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

Designed to deliver smart metering functionality ready for back office integration, while hiding the complexity of metering and metering communication technology.

Distribution Transformer Monitoring

A true end-to-end service offering that is simple to deploy and operate for distribution network operators looking to manage their low voltage transformers and downstream networks.

Smart Streetlight Cabinet Controller

The conventional method for switching a bank of streetlights is via a pre-programmed timer, regardless of other external factors.
Fitted with an EDMI Mk10E smart meter connected to Itron’s RF Mesh technology, the EDMI Smart Streetlight control cabinet presents an elegant solution to this problem.

Hybrid Prepayment Solutions

EDMI has developed a system to meet every need of a utility company: The Meter-Smart prepayment model developed for STS meters and the increasing demand, Software-Smart prepayment solutions for AMI meters.
